Export FEBR soil profile data to the JSON file format required by the SmartSolos Expert API.

febr2sse(profiles, horizons, file, ...)



Data frame with soil profile data, i.e. observation locations.


Data frame with soil horizon data, i.e. sampling layers.


(optional) Character string naming the JSON file to be written to disk.


(optional) Arguments passed to base::writeLines().


An object of class character containing a unicode JSON string.


Jeroen Ooms (2014). The jsonlite Package: A Practical and Consistent Mapping Between JSON Data and R Objects. arXiv:1403.2805 [stat.CO] URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.2805.


Alessandro Samuel-Rosa alessandrosamuelrosa@gmail.com


# Toy example
pro <- data.frame(
  evento_id_febr = "Perfil-1",
  taxon_sibcs_1999 = "Argissolo",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
hor <- data.frame(
  evento_id_febr = rep("Perfil-1", 3),
  camada_id = c("Ap", "B1", "B2"),
  profund_sup = c(0, 16, 32),
  profund_inf = c(16, 32, 50),
  cor_matriz_umido_munsell = rep("5YR 3/3", 3),
  cor_matriz_seco_munsell = rep("5YR 3/3", 3),
  estrutura_tipo = rep("blocos subangulares", 3),
  estrutura_grau = rep("moderada", 3),
  estrutura_cdiam = rep("média", 3),
  consistencia_umido = rep("friável", 3),
  consistencia_seco = rep("duro", 3),
  plasticidade = rep("plástico", 3),
  pegajosidade = rep("pegajoso", 3),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
febr2sse(pro, hor, tempfile(fileext = ".json"))
#> Loading required namespace: jsonlite

# Real example
if (interactive()) {
profiles <- observation(
  data.set = "ctb0025", variable = c("taxon_sibcs", "relevo_drenagem"),
  standardization = list(units = TRUE, round = TRUE))
idx <- profiles$evento_id_febr[1]
profiles <- profiles[profiles$evento_id_febr %in% idx, ]
horizons <- layer(
  data.set = "ctb0025", variable = "all",
  standardization =
    list(plus.sign = "remove", lessthan.sign = "remove",
         transition = "smooth", units = TRUE, round = TRUE))
horizons <- horizons[horizons$evento_id_febr %in% idx, ]
horizons[, 9:48] <- lapply(horizons[, 9:48], as.numeric)
horizons <- cbind(
  morphology(x = horizons$morfologia_descricao, variable = "color"),
  morphology(x = horizons$morfologia_descricao, variable = "structure"),
  morphology(x = horizons$morfologia_descricao, variable = "consistence"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
file <- ifelse(
  paste0("tmp/febr2smartsolos-", idx, ".json"),
  paste0(tempdir(), "/febr2smartsolos-", idx, ".json"))
febr2sse(profiles, horizons, file)